Hypnothought's question
Seeking advice or script for infertility. Any suggestions appreciated.
John's answer
After my client has convinced me that both parties have been checked out by the doctor for this infertility issue, I go to work with coaching them on how to relax, ‘let go’ of robotic thinking (I explain why it is necessary to let go of science), deprogram negative behavior (if this is necessary) and activate her healing/reproductive center.
The goal here is to put nature in charge!
Of course I make no promises in a situation like this (which I tell them up front), but these clients have reached the end of the line when they come to me or any other hypnotherapist. Most have been told that there isn’t anything that can be done medically for them. Unfortunately, some of these ‘infertile’ women find out they can become pregnant right after they have adopted a child. Usually in this case, they would have ‘let go’ of the stress of getting pregnant and the reproductive process will do what it supposed to do naturally. To me, this says that the medical industry underestimated the power of nature in these specific cases.
Subconsciously, I drop them into delta to help them deeply relax urging nature to flow smoothly. Even though I had one client who didn’t come to me with an infertility issue, she had been told that she could never have children 10 years prior to our session – she was 38 at the time she became pregnant. What I did with her was to deprogram her from the debilitating emotional pains of child abuse – which was part of her stress and it prevented her from becoming pregnant. This was all it took for this client.
Had another client who I coached to stop counting months and days and buying over the counter ovulation and pregnancy tests and thinking of names and furniture before it was time - before conception. I put her in a waking trance and told her that women have had children before modern medicine was invented and without all of the information we have today. Too much information was causing this client’s issues. She too had been abused so I had to iron out these issues. Once she put nature in charge, she became pregnant – she was 39 just weeks shy of 40.
I would say you would need more than a script/metaphor in these cases. Anyone taking on infertility should consider at least these points. Make sure that:
1. They both have been checked out by a medical doctor.
2. Let them know up front that you cannot make promises. In this case it is best to under promise and over deliver
3. Deprogram them from the emotional ups and downs of child abuse if this is part of the client’s issue. It has been in a few of my cases.
4. Coach them on how to relax and ‘let go’ of robotic thinking. If they are counters, get them to stop and let them know that this puts more pressure on them – mentally, emotionally and physically. They need to allow nature to takes its course by taking science out of the equation.
5. If there is tension going on in the relationship between the two, coach them through their issues. This will take out the mental and emotional blocks to help nature flow as it should.
6. Drop them into delta and activate the healing/reproductive center
John Owens
Clinical Hypnotherapist & Life Counselor